With the American Air Museum in the background and the impressive display of London RT and RF buses
at SHOWBUS, a few of the equally impressive Embling display feature
in the foreground.
Emblings has acquired an impressive fleet of Bristol VRs from a variety of sources.
Leading this SHOWBUS line up is an unsual high bridge version, LHG438T, originally Ribble 1439.
Alongside is former Colchester 66 (NNO66P) an Atlantean with highbridge ECW bodywork, giving it
a similar appearance to the Ribble VR as can be seen on the picture at the top of this page.

This former Bristol Omnibus Gloucester Leyland National has been painted in school bus yellow.
KHT125P, numbered G3027 when with Bristol, appears to have been re-engined with a Volvo unit,
though it is unlikely to be in the same place as on a B10M as suggested by the badging.

Parked next to the F15 fighter by Rally Control was one of two Stagecoach Dennis Tridents in
advertising livery. Pride of place went to 18209 (LX04FWV) promoting the London Olympic bid.
It was unexpectedly joined by the Trident seen behind which is believed to carry adverts
in association with London Fashion Week which ended a couple of days before SHOWBUS.

An unexpected entry at SHOWBUS was this magnicent Bristol RELH6L with the later style of
ECW body on the chassis. The bus has been restored to NWRC colours, which, in common
with many other NBC fleets, soon gave way to NATIONAL white, or DP schemes. Similar Eastern
Counties RE869 (RPU869M), illustrated in November's BUSES magazine, was also at SHOWBUS
in a late version of poppy red and white DP colours. North Western 413 (JMA413L) is seen
leaving the event.