West Midlands PTE | Half cab buses

West Midlands PTE Half cab buses
When WMPTE took over the West Midlands (Greater Birmingham) operations of Midland Red it also acquired a sizeable number of their "home made" fleet, vehicle types which had been unique to Midland Red. These buses were duly painted blue and cream like 1963 BMMO D9 5321 (6321HA).
West Midlands PTE Daimler CVG6 MCW Wolverhampton
Near the end of their days was this pair of MCW CVG6 Daimlers new to Wolverhampton Corporation.
Picture ref H473
Coventry West Midlands PTE Daimler CVG6 MCW 239Y
At Jubilee SHOWBUS 77 this is a view of WMPTE 239Y (VWK239) climbing Windsor Castle Hill. To celebrate Her Majesty's Silver Jubilee SHOWBUS staged a parade of buses from Windsor to the Hillingdon Show. Many buses were specially decorated for the occasion if not actually painted silver. The picture is taken from the top deck of National Travel South East's silver open top AEC Regent V, PFN867 which collected the Mayor & Mayoress of Windsor to take them to lunch with the Mayor and Mayoress of Hillingdon.
West Midlands PTE Daimler CVG6 MCW 239Y & Leyland National 6823
The CVG6 is seen later at the Showground, showing off its Union Jacks and is seen with dual purpose Leyland National 6823 (OOX823R).
West Midlands PTE Premier Operator Award Showbus 77
Together with Silver Jubilee MCW bodied Leyland Fleetline 6432 (NOC432R), the National and CVG6 carried off the Premier Operator Award at Jubilee SHOWBUS.
West Midlands PTE Half cab buses