Turning on to Southbank Boulevard in February 2012 is 2005 Scania L94UB Volgren 398 (5298AO).
A not uncommon site in Fitzroy Street, St Kilda, a pair of Melbourne Bus Link Scanias at the terminus of routes 600, 922 and 923, just up from St Kilda Station. Nearest the camera on this February early evening picture is Scania L94UB 371 (0371AO).
The later style of Volgren body with the unhappy smiley on the rear end, is evident in this view of 428 (7828AO) seen a month earlier. Scania K230UB 428 dates from 2010, whereas 371 is nine years older.
Dating from 2003, Scania L94UB 385 (5285AO) has the body style with the tiny headlights compared to the frog-eyed earlier models. Volgren designated this body the CR227L, before giving way to the CR228L which bears an even closer resemblance to the earlier products of northern Ireland body builder Wrights. The bus is seen in Barkly Street, St Kilda near the end of its run from Southland Shopping Centre. Across the road is a Ventura Volgren bodied Scania on a special service to the St Kilda Festival in February 2012.
Scania L94UB 391 (5291AO) dating from 2004, runs out of service on Commercial Road in February 2012.