Nine months before our visit to Magnetic Island in August 2009 the local Magnetic Island Bus Service had been taken over by the Transit Australia group, perhaps better known as Sunbus. Luckily little had changed and vehicles were known by their pet names rather than their unit numbers, let alone the four digit numbers allocated by Transit Australia. So this Mitsubishi Rosa, dating from 2003 was known appropriately as Rosie, unit 20 (523HFS) and has since become 1520. It is seen in the small Bus Station at Nelly Bay Ferry Terminal, where buses meet the Transit Australia ferries from Townsville.
The main route to Horseshoe Bay passes the depot where Friendly Fred, Billy Boy and Peter "D" were lined up to greet passersby. Friendly Fred is a Mercedes OH1725, 21 (432HRD), with Custom body, dating from 2003. In the middle is Toyota Coaster Billy Boy 22 (395ENI) of 1998 and, on the end, Peter "D' is another Mercedes (OH1621) Custom, unit 19 (034GQF) dating from 2002 now with Sunbus in Townsville.
A second Mitsubishi Rosa in the fleet was 24 (206JJT), a year older than Rosie. Sadly it lacks a name, Mitsy being an obvious choice. Happy Herbert sits alongside, of which more anon.