Transdev Sydney | White livery

Transdev Sydney | White livery
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Transdev Volvo B10M PMC Metro 90 93
Another oldie, former Southtrans 93 (MO8120), a 1989 PMC Metro 90 bodied Volvo B10M seen in October 2017 on Campbell Parade on a Bondi Beach charter.
Picture Ref B8192
Transdev Volvo B7RLE Custom CB60 Evo II 9766
Working in Parramatta in December 2017 was Custom CB60 Evo II bodied Volvo B7RLE 9766 (MO9766), one of four which were new to Bankstown depot in 2009 and transferred to Transit Systems in 2023.
Picture Ref B9203
Transdev Volvo B7RLE Custom CB60 Evo II 1975 Parramatta Explorer
Seen the same day was another B7RLE, with Custom CB60 Evo II bodywork liveried for the Parramatta Explorer, which - amongst other things - linked the Rivercat wharf to the centre of Parramatta. Also new in 2009 the Volvo was 1975 (MO1975).
Picture Ref B9184
Transdev Volvo B12BLE Custom CB60 Evo II 9661
Also in Parramatta that day was older Volvo B12BLE 9661 (MO9661) of 2008.
Picture Ref B9224
Transdev Volvo B12BLE Custom CB60 Evo II 9754
Loading for Bankstown was B12BLE 9754 (MO9754) from the same batch.
Picture Ref B9195
Transdev Sydney | White livery
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