Guernsey Bus & Coach A72 (12727) arrives at L'Eree from St Peter Port. The MCW Metrorider
became the new Guernsey standard in succession to the Bristol LH. Examples were
acquired from a variety of sources, though vehicles formerly used in London dominated.
Some were pressed into service, without repaint, as can be seen in this line up of a white LH and
two Metroriders at St Peter Port Bus Station, with the lead vehicle still sporting the colours of
its former owner, Metrobus of Orpington.
Another Metrobus liveried Metrorider, alongside one of Road Runner's Optare StarRiders.
Guernsey Bus also operate a few Optare City Pacers, based on the VW LT van chassis, on
town services around St Peter Port, this one is calling at a Park & Ride site near The Grange.
To finish with a representative selection of the fleet, conveniently posed in the layover bay at St
Peter Port Bus Station. A80 (19662) represents the new order of Metroriders, but an old white LH bus, is seen with two of the ex Western National narrow LH coaches - originally acquired for Dartmoor Tours -
representing the old brigade, with a stylish CityPacer thrown in for good measure.