The white Enviro was chosen in 2012 as Red Rose's Diamond Jubilee bus to celebrate the Queen's sixty years on the thrown. A metallic dark red livery adorned with a diamond motif and the Union Jack set the bus apart from the rest of the fleet. It is seen her at the Bucks Railway Centre in Quainton where it had gone to promote SHOWBUS 2012.
The bus' first promotional engagement was to the London Bus Rally at Wisely in late April. It is seen at Beaconsfield services on the M40 on its way to the event.
A nearside view of YX08HBZ at Beaconsfield services.
The Enviro put in a few other appearances promoting SHOWBUS that summer which culminated in its appearance at SHOWBUS itself. It was took pride of place on shuttles for the London Olympics. It is seen arriving at Duxford after the morning procession from Royston with buses representing each year of Her Majesty's reign.