London General Bendibuses
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MAL21 (BX02YYJ) is seen coming off Waterloo Bridge and about to turn into The Aldwych. The picture was taken a year after the previous ones in October 2003.
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MAL23 (BX02YYL) was having major blind difficulties when seen in The Aldwych in June 2004. The one track number blind had obviously given up earlier as a suitable paper sticker was at the top of the windscreen. The route blind is torn and inoperable and the piece of paper in the centre of the windscreen - which must surely hamper the driver's vision - may be a very temporary alternative, if you could get close enough to read it.
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Possibly the last of London's bendibuses, MAL113 (BP57UYE), London General took over the 45FREE from Stagecoach with new buses and MAL113 is seen in early Spring 2008 at Marylebone when only a few weeks old. The 453 got its nickname from the Deptford end of the route when the locals first presented with multi door bendibuses found they frequently did not need to pay their fare! The renewal contract was the last specified with bendis before Boris Johnson took over as Mayor and started to fulfill his pledge to get rid of the unloved bendis.
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London General Bendibuses
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