London Routemaster RML at shows
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Another view of the 2011 Slough Running Day and a nostalgic one for your photographer who remembers the day when RMLs displaced the long standing RTs on route 484 between Langley and Britwell. Pictures from the Box Brownie of the day are in our Country RML pages.
The 2011 North Weald rally coincided with the 50th anniversary of the original RMLs enetering service on 104. There was a special RML service on the 104 the preceding day and an RML gathering at North Weald on the Sunday. Here is RML2278 (CUV278C) arriving at North Welad with its 104 blinds set.
The North Weald 104 line up, with a couple of interlopers, but original 104 RML903 nearest the camera.
A distant view of the row of 104s.
London Routemaster RML at shows
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