Ordered by North Western as NBC standard ECW bodied Bristol VRs, by the time of delivery North
Western had been cut up and substantial parts of its operations were handed over to SELNEC PTE.
The VRs thus entered service in SELNEC (South East Lancashire & North East Cheshire, if you were wondering).
Their blinds were Manchester rather than NBC standard, but apart from livery and trim they were
otherwise standard NBC Mark II VRs. 408 (AJA408L) is part of the excellent collection maintained by
the SELNEC Preservation Society and is seen at EFE SHOWBUS International 2002.
SELNEC had a fleet of "experimental" vehicles and EX1 was its prototype standard doubledecker.
The bodywork was used on a variety of chassis, primarily Fleetlines and Atlanteans. Fleetline 7232
has bodywork by Northern Counties and ended its days converted as a mobile exhibition unit.
EX1 is a Park Royal bodied Atlantean. The two buses are seen at Millennium Showbus.
This Park Royal GM standard Atlantean has passed to Eastbourne Buses, where it
has been converted to open top. The bus is seen taking part in Eastbourne's
centenary celebrations in 2003. The bus was new as SELNEC 7032 (VNB132L).