2800 (NHU2) was the first bus to arrive at Duxford on Sunday morning, closely followed by two
other members of the Bristol Omnibus Vehicle Collection, Bath Services Bristol Lodekka
L8515 (969EHW) and KSW L8089 (OHY938).
2800 manouevres between the planes and the crowds ready to do a popular trip on the Duxford
With a Dan-Air Comet behind, 2800 is turned ready to load for Duxford village. The photograph
is taken from the open top deck of the Rally Control Citysightseeing Metrobus.
A good off side view 2800 in front of the Citysightseeing Ayats.
In common with the other entries from the Bristol Omnibus Vehicle Collection, Bath Lodekka
L8515 (969EHW) did a turn on the Duxford village tours.