Three Wright Eclipse bodied Volvo B7RLE buses were lined up together at SHOWBUS in 2005. Nearest the camera is First West Yorkshire 66783 (YK05FJF), though its registration suggests it might have been more at home in Leicester. Alongside 66971 (KX05MJY) hails from Northampton and on the end is an entry from First in York, 69003 (YK54ENN).
At work in Leeds eighteen months later is B7RLE 66710 (YK53GXV).
Volvo 66701 (YK53GXJ) is seen in Leeds Bus Station on one of the few routes to maintain branding, the airport 757.
Heading for Old Farnley on the 5 is Volvo B7RLE 66713 (YK04EZG).