Waiting for students outside St Michael's Grammar School in Chapel Street, Windsor in March 2013 is 2006 Autobus High Deck 25 (6525AO). Despite Gray line livery it still gets used on mundane school runs. Driver's philosophy is to have a surplus of Gray Line coaches so that there is always one available for Gray Line work.

The coach was seen again at Hastings depot just over eight years later on the occasion of the Bus & Coach Society of Victoria's weekend visit to Drivers to celebrate the company's 90th anniversary.
Picture ref C7817

Seen on Melbourne Cup Day 2011, with the Flemington Racecourse in the background, is eleven year old MCA Classic III 54 (6354AO).

Breakdowns occur even in the best run fleets, but MCA Clasic III 15 (1015AO) chose to really draw attention to itself by causing traffic chaos at the Flinders Street/Swanston Street junction by the Cathedral, Federation Square and Flinders Street Station just after lunch one day early in March 2013. Driver mechanics, who doubtless had to battle the traffic jams to get there are frantically working to access the source of the problem.

The coach was performing well in November 2014 seen out by the Yarra Glen racecourse.
Picture ref A6201
