MetroTransit | Gillig Buses

MetroTransit Gillig buses
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Metro Transit Gillig Phantom 521
Since 1989 MetroTransit has been wedded to California based Gillig for its rigid bus purchases, Gilligs do not make articulated units, so New Flyer has been the "goto" choice there. This, 521, is one of a batch of 57 delivered between 1998 and 1999, along with ten low floor Gillig models. Ever cautious, an order was not placed for the Advantage low floor models until six years later. The Gillig BRT came next, including some hybrids, but the first Gillig electrics were not due until 2026.
Metro Transit Gillig Phantom 675
A rear view of Gillig Phantom 675 from a batc of 100 delivered in 1999. There was no number 666!
Metro Transit Gillig Phantom 609
From the same batch, was early delivery 609. A number of early Phantoms was sold on to Nashville MTA.
Metro Transit Gillig Phamntoms 512 Gillig 512 of 1998 trails two MVTA vehicles into the Bus Mall.
Metro Transit Gillig Phantom 660
On layover is Phantom 660.
MetroTransit Gillig buses
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