London Country Bus Services
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London Country Leyland National SNB312
SNB312 also appeared at SHOWBUS 2001 and is seen alongside London Transport LS24 (KJD524P) and London Transit's ex WMPTE National, AOL17T.
National Bus Company
London Country Leyland National SNB312
In 2002, SNB312 got to park alongside the airplanes at Duxford.
National Bus Company
London Country Leyland National UPB312S
Sister preserved National SNB340 (UPB340S) is seen arriving at SHOWBUS in 2005.
National Bus Company
London Country Leyland National
Back in 2002 and joining SNB312 in the National line up by the planes was SNB250 (NPK250R).
National Bus Company
London Country Leyland National
Separated from SNB250 by LS24 was SNB257 (NPK257R).
National Bus Company
London Country Bus Services
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