Typical of the operating territory of Jersey Buses, this Dart wends it way along the North West
coastal route to L'Etage, having made its way out from St Helier. Virtually all bus routes are radial from
St Helier to coastal locations, as we shall see in further pictures.
St Catherines on the South East corner of the island is served three times a day by this route which
negotiates some very narrow lanes to get there. The narrow Wadham Stringer bodied Ford R1014
and its driver are quite adept at the task, nonetheless. In fact most buses on the island sport very
little in the way of accident panel damage.
Number 19 in the fleet is another Wadham Stringer bodied bus, but this time a newer model on
the Leyland Swift chassis, seen here swinging in to the special
terminus constructed at Rozel Bay, with a bus reversing area. Rozel Bay is on the south side of the island.
Ford R1014s were also delivered with Duple Dominant bus bodies as this one at a South Island
reversing location shows.
Gorey Castle is an attractive spot, and Jersey Bus 24 helps to enhance the view south from the
castle. The old 'JMT Express' fleetname can be clearly seen on this bus.