Most people think of West Midlands PTE and its principal predecessor, Birmingham City Transport, as having a highly standardised fleet. The bus nearest the camera represents the final designs inherited from Birmingham in the shape of a Park Royal bodied Daimler Fleetline. Alongside is one of a hundred MCW bodied Bristol VRTs and one of fifty Volvo Ailsa/Alexander combinations. The final bus in line is from a more standardised time, one of the huge fleet of MCW Metrobuses, some of which are still in everyday service in the fleet. Adjacent is another Metrobus, a former demonstrator in the colours of Stevensons of Uttoxeter.
A better view of the trio, Fleetline 3796 (NOV796G), VR 4413 (NOB413M) and Ailsa 4738 (JOV738P).
Numerically WMPTE's second Metrobus 6832 (SDA832S), its chassis was the 7th built (MB5007). Alongside, former Stevensons 80 (TOJ592S) was the third chassis built as a demonstrator for MCW. The first Metrobus chassis was bodied as a singledecker and went to Putco in Johannesburg and the second never entered service.
In addition to their very smart coach fleet, Woottens has an interesting collection of buses used on school contracts, including former TWM 1066 (C66HOM). The four track route number blind being used to effectively display its original fleet number.