Arriving at EFE SHOWBUS International is First York 69003 (YK54ENN), a Volvo B7RLE
with Wright Eclipse B43F bodywork new back in February. The destination blind celebrates
First's 10th birthday.
69003 was followed into the Museum by the preserved Burwell & District Plaxton bodied AEC
Reliance 932BCE. The Reliance was joined by hundreds of other Burwell & District buses in the
shape of EFE's special model for the day, a Burwell AEC Renown.
An identical bus arrived from Northampton in the shape of 66971 (KX05MJY).
Formerly Centrewest VN903 (T903KLF), this Northern Counties bodied Volvo Olympian is now with
First in Sheffield. Unusually for a bus redeployed from the capital, it has retained its
centre doors. Now 34103, it was one of the last step entrance doubledeckers to enter London service.
Substituting for a triaxle East Lancs Nordic bodied Olympian, 32620 (SF54TLU) is a
Volvo B7TL Wright Eclipse Gemini from First Glasgow. |