First London Dennis Trident Plaxton President TN32865 (T865KLF) substituted for a London
Eclipse Gemini which would perhaps have given another photo opportunity. It is seen with the
two provincial Geminis and former First Centrewest VN903.
Two buses from First Essex included their last VR, freshly restored to pre-Badgerline
EN livery as 3072 (KOO790V) with Alexander bodied Dennis Dart 47252 (M450VWW) in Eastern
National's Tilling green livery. The bus had appeared in these colours last year, but the
green used had been too dark, but this has been attened to since. TWM's Trident 4354 (BX02AVK)
is seen at the east terminus of the Site Shuttle in the background.
Another heritage bus from First is former Aberdeen Corporation 325 (CRG325C). The bus still
sees occasional use in its native city and had made the long journey south to Duxford. It won
jointly the prize for the best sixties doubledecker.