The First Wrights at SHOWBUS! Three Volvo B7RLEs with Eclipse bodywork with Northampton's
66971 (KX05MJY) sandwiched between, on the left, First York 69003 (YK54ENN) and First
Halifax 66783 (YK05FJF).
This pair of Eclipse bodied singldeckers are on Scania L94UB chassis. Nearest the camera is
First Crosville's 65734 (YN05WKC) with branding for the long standing route 1 between Chester
and Liverpool, which used to terminate at Birkenhead Ferry. The second bus was new as
First Hampshire 62410 (YS03ZKF), but was entered by its current owner, First Essex.
A few Scania Omnicities have entered service with First in the Potteries and Solent areas.
65026 (YN54OCK) is from the PMT fleet.
Part of the First line up at EFE SHOWBUS International 2005.
Two Wright Eclipse Gemini bodied Volvo B7TLs sandwich ex First Centrewest Olympian 34103.
The Olympian is now with First Mainline (Sheffield) as is the nearer B7TL, 31790 (YN53EFH).
The other B7TL is First Glasgow 32620 (SF54TLU).