JTA | Jackson Transit Authority

JTA - Jackson Transit Authority
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Jackson Gillig Phantom 953
Turning in to the new Bus Station bound for the suburb of Campbell is Phantom 953.
Jackson Gillig Phantom 955
Like many American small town systems, the services work on a hub network. The timetables are designed so that cross town services all meet at the central location, in this case the purpose built Bus Station, and buses then depart simultaneously to the various suburbs enabling interchange between the services. The Bus Station in Jackson pulses every 30 minutes, which means it is very quiet for around 25 minutes, becomes a place of vibrant activity for five, then subsides again. Five Gilligs Phantoms can be seen here with 955 arriving stage left. Bus 948 is identifiable with its rear end on the left of the picture, one of the Ford E450s in the old colours can also be seen on "The Lift" services, which alos interacts with the hub network.
Jackson Gillig Phantom 954
Phantom 954 is seen in the city heading for East Jackson.
Jackson Gillig Phantom 948
Gillig Phantom 948 is seen on the same route passing the iconic Greyhound Jackson Half Way Station.
JTA - Jackson Transit Authority
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