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Originally Arriva London VLW18 (LJ51DGO), this Wright Eclipse Gemini bodied Volvo B7TL is seen arriving at Wycombe Bus Station on the 300 from Aylesbury in July 2021. The bus went from London to Arriva Midlands as 4026 (UUI2946) before being transferred south.
Picture ref P7835 |
| Another Arriva Midlands offcast was 4210 (FJ58KXH) seen in High Wycombe's Castle Street in October 2022 followed by one of the town's Wright Streetlite DF town buses. Though a Sapphire branded Volvo B9TL it rarely ventured any further than Maidenhead. Sadly it and its fellow transferees fro, Arriva Midlands never sounded healthy in Wycombe and could be heard approaching from quite far off!
Picture ref P2163
| This June 2023 of 4210 sees it heading along the London Road from the town centre.
Picture ref P4597 |
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