Sandwiched between former London Transport LS35 and Eastern National 1850 is former Cheltenham &
Gloucester Leyland National 3048, now in Bowers fleet in Unibus contract livery.
These two smart Mark I Nationals of Anglian operator
Konect at Millennium Showbus were both recent acquisitions from the Trent fleet, though DAR120T
originates with Eastern National - the other was Cheltenham & Gloucester 3052 (SAE755S).
Bristol Leyland National 3057 (TAE639S) is seen here in the fleet of MK Metro where it had
a dual purpose as service bus and driver trainer as their 510.
At the 2004 SHOWBUS, this former Bristol Omnibus Gloucester Leyland National has been painted
in school bus yellow. KHT125P, numbered G3027 when with Bristol, appears to have been re-engined
with a Volvo unit, though it is unlikely to be in the same place as on a B10M as suggested by
the badging.
Leyland National 2, formerly 3529 (BOU4V), is seen as an all over advertisement bus in the First
Provincial fleet at the 2001 Southsea Rally.