SHOWBUS Updates 
The website is normally updated weekly. This page lists the latest updates from
January 2000, when the site was given a facelift and this record was introduced. The most recent updates
are listed first - you can check out what's new since your last visit.
Coming soon
Photo galleries: Pete's Travel and Alexander (Midland)
Update to GBV Amsterdam bus and ConeXXion fleet galleries.
Update to Oxford Bus Company pictures
EFE January releases
New easy-find national UK web timetable directory.
Please note there will be no January 'Buses On The Net', the next will be for February.
Coming January 7th
First Mainline
Update to Brighton & BH&D galleries.
December 23rd - Merry Christmas - double helpings to last 2 weeks!
- The winner of our EFE Dundee RT competition.
- Details of EFE releases through to February.
- Update to Solent Blue Line and Cambus pages.
- London & Country gallery update to include London Country past and present.
- Photo galleries for Southern Vectis and
Toronto Transit.
December 17th
- Farewell to Wycombe Bus as Arriva take over
- Wrights new doubledecker for Arriva.
- Epsom Coaches & Buses gallery
- Updates to Wilts & Dorset and Stagecoach South.
- EFE December releases.
December 10th
- Andrew's of Tideswell joins the UK Coach Hire Directory
- Stagecoach Waiheke Bus Company photo gallery
- Updates to Edinburgh and Devon General.
December 3rd
- Photo gallery for Lincolnshire Road Car.
- Update to our Royal Mail page.
- EFE Showbus 2001 confirmed on Sep 23rd.
November 26th
- EFE Showbus 2001 confirmed at Duxford.
- Finglands photo gallery.
- Update to Royal Blue gallery.
- EFE Fleet Focus for London Country updated.
- New dealers sites on our buses for sale classifieds index.
November 19th
- Stagecoach new image.
- Buses on The - Net December issue links.
- Photos of Coral Coaches of Port Douglas, Queensland, Australia.
- Update to old City of Oxford gallery.
- EFE November releases.
- EFE FUTURE releases.
November 12th
- Photo gallery for OK Motor Services
- More vehicles identified at Millennium Showbus and more
detail on the Dutch vehicles courtesy of Henny van Schie.
- Update to our preserved Dutch bus gallery, showing the
latest acquisition, which might appear at Showbus 2001.
- London GS gallery update
November 5th
- DMS photo gallery update.
- EFE DMS Model Focus.
- New Canadian DMS pictures
- Updates to our Buses for sale section.
October 29th
- Island Coach Services join the UK Coach Hire directory
- Our first pictures from FIJI.
- Pictures of Millennium Showbus from the air.
- Update to Armchair gallery.
October 22nd
- Company Coaches joins the UK Coach Hire directory
- New On-Line win a model competition
- Updated October model releases
- Further update on the 'who was at Showbus' list.
- Major update to RT galleries.
- EFE Sheffield fleet focus
on the Net November weblinks now on line.
October 14th
- Showbus 2001 where and when?
- Seamarks gallery
- Updates to RP and Green Line galleries.
October 7th
- New Black & White Motorways gallery.
- The winner of the on-line competition for the EFE Thames Valley TD1.
- Updates to Weblinks.
- Updates to our Noticeboard.
September 30th
It will have been worth the wait -
- The biggest ever single addition to our photo gallery - around
300 photos from Millennium Showbus! These are being added
during the week and should be complete by October 7th.
- The Millennium Showbus Prize Winners list
- EFE September releases.
- EFE future releases update.
September 20th
- Millennium Showbus entries break all pre-rally records: 421 as at Wednesday and still 4 days to go.
- Updates to London General - including B7TL - and
RTL - including a green one - galleries.
on the Net October weblinks now on line.
September 17th
- Millennium Showbus goes ahead despite fuel problems.
- New Birkenhead Transport Gallery
- Millennium Showbus entries break 375
- Millennium Showbus stallholders sold out.
September 13th
- Updates to Sovereign gallery - now 6 pages!
September 10th
- Millennium Showbus entries break 350 - more than 10% up on this time last year!
- New London Central gallery.
- Dutch Leyland Worldmasters coming to Millennium Showbus.
- Updates to United Counties photos
September 6th
- Arriva Midlands & BMMO gallery updates.
- New Classic Southdown pictures and separate Stagecoach South gallery.
- Wider variety of buses on Duxford Village Tours.
September 3rd
- New First Leicester gallery - with new liveries and route branding including new B7TL.
- Minor changes to Badgerline gallery.
- Minor changes to EFE Western National Fleet Focus.
- Now over 325 entries in Millennium Showbus.
Coming August 30th
- Updates to Wilts & Dorset gallery
- and USA preserved buses
- Minor adjustment to Thamesway gallery.
- Millennium Showbus entries top 300!
- Provisional schedule of buses and departures for Duxford Village Tours.
August 27th
- Our new look Millennium Edition frontpage and facelift. Our new internet Showbus logo by
Dutch digital artist Leo Melcherts Jr.
- Welcome to our 50,000th visitor.
- At last: our new
easy-find regional photo gallery - now on line.
- New London Tramlink gallery.
- Check out the latest Millennium Showbus hilites.
August 23rd
Updates with a new Stagecoach East Midlands gallery
and updated First Provincial gallery.
- Now over 275 entries in Millennium Showbus.
- See the rally layout - know where to find your favourite bus.
August 20th X-rated
- X-reg buses in our updated First Beeline gallery.
- X-reg entries in Millennium Showbus from Plymouth and Marshalls.
- Mid & West Scotland gallery.
- North-East Gallery index.
- Updates to JMT gallery and Hampshire Bus gallery.
August 16th
- Entries for Millennium Showbus rocket pass 250.
- New LT RC and NCME/Dart galleries. Updates to Metroline and RMC galleries.
magazine - page tied into "Buses on the Net" September weblinks now on line.
August 13th
- Advance joining information for entrants.
- EFE August releases.
- Beatties store list.
- Update on EFE future releases.
- EFE information on Millennium Showbus.
- New Arriva Merseyside gallery and new North West of England gallery.
- Revisions to Green Line gallery - now 8 pages - and new EFE Green Line Fleet Focus.
- Entry List for Millennium Showbus revised to include provisional rally numbers.
- East Lancs model range included in our sponsor pages.
August 9th
- Update to Eastern Counties and Bristol area galleries
(Bristol OC, First & Wessex).
- Minor change to Stagecoach Devon gallery.
- 225 entries in Millennium Showbus.
August 6th
- Arriva North West gallery
- Updates to our UK on line coach hire directory and welcome to
Roaminey Travel of Pickering.
- Separate Brighton Corporation photo gallery, with updates to
BH&D and Eastbourne galleries.
- Plans for Millennium Showbus take shape - see the rally hilites and read about the new Bus Station
August 2nd
- First Aberdeen AEC Swift 56 is the 200th entry in Millennium Showbus.
- Some early pictures of EFE August releases.
- Updates to Southampton - B7TLs and bendi! - and Southend - Trident! - galleries.
- Updates to our Hedingham gallery and relocation to our Home Counties section.
- East Lancs confirm sponsorship of Millennium Showbus.
July 30th
- Stagecoach Auckland - 6 pages with more to come.
- Two more sites linked to our Buses for sale pages - Anglo-American and Coach-Europe.
- The first excursions to Millennium Showbus listed.
July 26th
- First of bi-weekly website updates - track the Showbus entries, now nearing 200
- Updates to London LS and LX galleries.
July 23rd
- In the run up to Millennium Showbus there will now be twice weekly updates to the Showbus website.
- First Manchester - Citaros and bendibuses!
- Buses on The - Net August issue links.
- New win-a-model competition - The Millennium Showbus Thames Valley TD1.
July 16th
- Dennis confirm sponsorship of Millennium Showbus.
- London Country week! The RP gallery and updates to the AN gallery.
- Minor updates to EFE Maidstone & District Fleet Focus.
- EFE July releases and update on future models.
- EFE Millennium Showbus model announced: Thames Valley Leyland TD1 with open staircase.
July 9th
- New to the LT Gallery - the FRM.
- Updates to the Grey Green and Northampton galleries.
- Minor update to the First Bristol Cityline and Badgerline gallery.
- Over 50 Showbus stallholders for 2000 (so far) - details now on-line - including
Jotus from Hong Kong.
- Millennium Showbus entries top 150 already.
- Duxford low floor FREE bus new timetable, with more departures
from Cambridge Railway Station.
July 3rd
- The Home Counties regional photo gallery, including
Southend Transport for the first time.
- Updates to the GS photo gallery - old Showbus photos.
- Updates to the UK Coach Hire Directory.
June 24th
- The definitive Midlands gallery with pages for Trent, Barton,
Nottingham, Derby and Midland General.
- Updates to Royal Blue and Plymouth pictures.
June 17th
magazine - special pages tied into "Buses on the Net" monthly feature with direct links to the sites
reviewed each month - June and July now on site.
- EFE - revised June releases.
- The revised Travel West Midlands including WMPTE and Coventry pages.
- The Irish Gallery.
- Hong Kong Gallery featuring Victories for sale.
June 10th
provide Millennium Showbus rally plaques.
provide trophies for Millennium Showbus Classes T, U & X and
contribute to prize fund.
- New joint venture with
magazine - special pages tied into "Buses on the Net" monthly feature with direct links to the sites
reviewed each month.
- Big update and new pages in our West Midlands Gallery.
Birmingham City Transport, Birmingham Coach Company, Flights, Rest & Ride and Red Arrow.
- Updates to RML gallery - twice as many pages.
June 3rd
- EFE competition winner.
- Wycombe Bus gallery update with fleetlist by Peter Brown.
- Motts Travel latest pictures - plus updates to East Kent and South Wales coaches.
- New galleries for Dundee, Alexander (Northern) and Grampian.
making our current Northern Scotland gallery.
- Millennium Showbus stallholders booking form updated for September.
- EFE Skills Fleet Focus.
- New sectioned weblink pages - with massive update to operator listings.
May 29th
- Updates to our London M class Metrobus, Southern National and Red & White photos.
- New American gallery: Santa Monica big blue bus.
- Extra photos, revised pages grouped into Anglia Area Gallery.
- EFE's Millennium Showbus entries reach 100.
- Minor update to EFE Gt Yarmouth Fleet Focus.
May 21st
- Arriva Shires updates to singledeck and coach galleries.
- MacBrayne and Glasgow revised galleries.
- Update to Motts fleet list by Peter Brown.
May 13th
- At last - the EFE May releases.
- Arriva Shires updates to doubledeck and minibus galleries.
- More news on EFE future releases.
May 6th
- Northumbria photos - 3 pages.
- Additions to our free Noticeboard.
- Evobus & Kirkby join the classified 'buses for sale' listings.
- Entries in Millennium Showbus surge to over 60.
- More industry suppliers listed.
May 1st
- Tillingbourne photos.
- ConneXXion photos from Holland.
April 15th
- A chance to win an EFE model on-line
- Crest and Neoplan UK join our classifieds section
- Update to
pages and revised
separate Red Rover photo galleries.
join Millennium Showbus major sponsors
as another of their vehicles is entered in the event.
April 9th
- Greyhound Pioneer of Australia in the photo gallery
Museum Guide for 2000
- First buses built in the New Millennium entered in Millennium Showbus - B7L and B10BLE
April 2nd
Rally Calendar for 2000 now on line.
- Southern England Photo Gallery featuring new pages for Provincial, Portsmouth and Eastbourne.
- Gilbow Railway Collection of models.
- Millennium Showbus Rally news
- Houston Ramm PSV Sales join Millennium Showbus sponsors.
- Interliner Dutch Photo Gallery - minor update.
- Jan de Wit Dutch Photo Gallery - minor update.
March 26th
- Six new pages of Southampton Citybus added to the photo gallery
- Minor revisions to North West photo gallery
March 19th
- New pages of
added to the photo gallery
- Major update of
photo gallery with 70s pictures.
- Minor revisions to RTL and RCL photo galleries
- Updates to EFE Fleet Focuses on Maidstone & District and Eastern Counties.
- B D Holt and auctioneers '' join our classifieds section
March 12th
- New page of Solent Blueline added to the photo gallery
- EFE releases for March and April.
- More links to buy EFE models on line.
- News on future EFE releases.
- More industry links with Mistral, Alexander and Plaxton websites on line
- New styles of entry available in the UK Coach Hire directory.
March 5th
- Six pages of Stagecoach Busways
added to the photo gallery
- Transpower (East Midlands) Ltd joins the coach hire directory
- Minor updates to Bournemouth, Eurolines and Welsh Coaches galleries
- Minor updates to our weblinks page
and join our classifieds section
February 28th
- Boston
added to photo gallery
- Lots of new sites linked to our UK Bus timetable directory
- Minor updates to London Trident, RCL, T and MB galleries
- Butler Brothers join the coach hire directory
February 19th
- First entry in Millennium Showbus
- New
fleet list and updated Motts-Showbus pages plus updated gallery- 5 pages
- New
(3 pages - MH Cars Fleetlines and a trolley) and Hants & Dorset gallery pages
- Minor revision to weblinks including Preserved Bus magazine.
February 12th
- More buses for sale with further links to other 'buses for sale' sites
- Jan de Wit and Jonk Cars Dutch Coach pages in the International gallery
Wallace Arnold EFE fleet focus
- Travel Wright of Newark and Ellen Smith join the coach hire directory
February 5th
A new EFE Fleet Focus
- A complete revision of our
gallery - featuring extra pages for Reading Buses and new pages for Newbury Buses, Reading Mainline, London Line and Goldline
January 29th
A new EFE Fleet Focus
- A complete revision of our
gallery - featuring extra pages for Oxford Bus, Stagecoach Oxford, new pages for South Midland, Worths, Tappins, Charlton and Park & Ride - and more!
- February
model releases - new TD1 casting.
- A start to an improved industry weblinks. The MIOS pages.
- Minor updates to the
- Minor updates to the
Midland Red West gallery
- More buses for sale including USA MAN Jonckheeres
- More weblinks
January 22nd
A new EFE Fleet Focus
- A complete revision of our
gallery - featuring preserved Midland Red vehicles and extra pages
- Minor updates to the
- A new model bus weblinks page
joins the coach hire directory
January 15th
A new look to our EFE pages
- A new South West England gallery - 10
pages alone!
- Minor updates to the
- A new bus industry weblinks page
- Our usual weblinks page updated
- A revision to our
buses & coaches for sale page
January 8th
- A new EFE Showbus sponsors page
- The entry form for Millennium Showbus
- A new Welsh Photo Gallery to our new standard layout
Crosville photo gallery
January 1st
New easily navigable UK Coach Hire directory
- First Northampton Gallery pages
Revised United Counties gallery
Millennium Night London pics
A few more RM pics
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